Get familiar with some of our Medical Services.

Acute treatment

This is a visit based on the sudden onset of symptoms which are affecting you. Your doctor will asses you completely to identify the cause. This may require further testing. Treatment options will be discussed and implemented as well as a plan for close follow-up.

Chronic medical illnesses

Management of Chronic Illnesses requires regular visits. This includes Diabetes and Hypertension Regular visits will be scheduled according to the stage of control the disease process is. Your doctor will partner with you to optimize your control and decrease the ill effects of the disease process.

Pap Smear

This is a procedure to collect a sample from the cervix of a woman to test for cancer. The procedure is carried out in office by the doctor. It is often thought of as a painful procedure but this is not true. The procedure only causes mild discomfort. It is recommended for all women over the age of 21 to start screening for cervical cancer and to do so every 1-3 years.

Family Planning

Planning a family is influenced by many factors. Our doctor takes the time to discuss these factors and recommend the most suitable option for you based on the stage of your life and your lifestyle. This may include the use of contraceptive methods to prevent pregnancy.

Annual Check-up

This is a wellness examination. The doctor will ask you questions about how you have been feeling and examine you for signs of medical or surgical issues. You will be assessed to ensure that you are vaccinated on schedule and also that you are being screened for diseases as best practice recommends. You may need to do Lab or Radiological tests to complete the assessment. A plan for optimizing your health and therefore your quality of life will be made.

Ear Syringing

This is a procedure used to remove excess earwax which may cause hearing and balance issues. It is done in office and takes about 15 minutes. The Doctor will use a sterile solution to irrigate the ear which will soften the wax and cause it to flow out of the ear.

IV Therapy

IV therapy is administered for various reasons. The most common of which is dehydration. This involves the administration of a solution directly into the venous system. The doctor may or may not add vitamins to optimize the therapy. It will take up to an hour to be administered and you will be monitored during and up to 30 minutes after the therapy is complete.

Antenatal Care

Pregnancy is a journey and we are happy to be a part of it. We offer antenatal care for patients who are otherwise healthy. We are equipped to monitor the baby to ensure that it is growing and developing normally. We will also ensure that mommy is on the right supplements and is maintaining optimum health during this time. We have customized Antenatal Cards so that you will always have a record of your last check-up and will have a full record to show the Medical Staff at the Delivery suite you choose.

Laboratory tests

To ensure that you receive the best and most convenient service we have partnered with, a JANAAC accredited medical laboratory, to provide laboratory testing in office. We have even taken it further to ensure that we follow up on your results closely and keep you informed.

Rapid HIV

HIV antibody rapid tests will be conducted using blood from the patient obtained by finger prick for immediate testing. You will receive counseling before and after the test. The medical doctor will carry out the test and you will receive the results immediately. This is a very sensitive and specific test and therefore is highly reliable. All persons are to screen for HIV annually.

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